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Engineer Your Business Like an Airplane - Cockpit

Engineering your business like an airplane can be a great way to ensure that it runs as smoothly and efficiently as possible. By taking the basic principles that get an airplane from point A to point B and applying them to the operations of your business, you can create a system that is optimized for maximum performance. In Business Made Simple, Donald Miller talks about the six main parts of the airplane that work together to get the plane off the ground and safely to it's destination. These parts are:

  • Cockpit - Leadership

  • Right Engine - Marketing

  • Left Engine - Sales

  • Wings - Products

  • Body - Overhead

  • Fuel Tanks - Cashflow

Who sits in the cockpit of an airplane? That's right! The pilots or the leaders of the airplane. Could you imagine if a pilot got on board, sat down to fly the airplane, and turned to a passenger and said, "Where are we headed today?"!? Haha, I can barely imagine that scene because its just such a ridiculous thought! But that's how so many small business owners are running their businesses on a daily business. I mean, it's no wonder so many of them are struggling to find momentum... they don't even know where their trying to get to let alone do they have a plan to get there.

So what is a pilot to do? Start by creating a clear flight plan with measurable goals and objectives. Then, make sure that all of your team members understand the mission and their roles in achieving it. Establish an organizational structure that is efficient and effective in order to delegate tasks and responsibilities to the appropriate people. Finally, review and adjust your business's operations regularly to ensure that it is running optimally. With careful engineering and thoughtful implementation, your business can soar to new heights!

If you and your team don't feel connected to a mission the Business on a Mission Framework will help you organize your cockpit so you and your team know where your business is going.

Here are a few key steps to get you started:

1. Determine your mission. But not one of those hoity toity pieces of garbage that's just a bunch of fluff that no ones remembers and worse no one cares about. It needs to be something that gets your team lit up and excited about being part of something bigger than themselves. It needs to have a clear destination and a timeline to get there.

2. Define the key characteristics of your business. This should focus on what attributes you want everyone involved in your business to possess. At TayLynn we've identified our key characteristics to be solution oriented, relationship building, and takes ownership. This isn't just for our leaders or our staff. We also expect this from our clients and if they don't possess these characteristics then we probably won't be a good fit.

3. Identify your critical actions. These are those things that get done every day with an intention to move your business forward. It might prioritizing a top task for the day. Or maybe it's touching base with at least one active client and one past client every day. The key is to find those things that make an impact and double down on them.

Once you've executed on these three steps you're going to be able to pilot your business so much better. You won't be flying in the dark with no flight plan and no controls anymore. You and your team will know exactly where you're headed and exactly the path you need to take to get there.

It's time to engineer your business like an airplane, starting with the cockpit.

Which step do you feel most called to start with! Comment below to let us know or tag us on social media.

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